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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tipple \Tip"ple\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Tippled; p. pr. & vb. n. Tippling.] [From tip a small end, or a word akin to it; cf. Norw. tipla to tipple, to drip, Prov. E. tip, tiff, tift, a draught of liquor, dial. G. zipfeln to eat and drink in small parts. See Tip a point, and cf. Tipsy.] To drink spirituous or strong liquors habitually; to indulge in the frequent and improper used of spirituous liquors; especially, to drink frequently in small quantities, but without absolute drunkeness.

Few of those who were summoned left their homes, and those few generally found it more agreeable to tipple in alehouses than to pace the streets.


n. A session of drinking alcohol. vb. (present participle of tipple English)

Usage examples of "tippling".

The hours of tippling had had their effect on her, producing a dull headache and a logy feeling of depression.

Who oft, when we our house lock up, carouse With tippling tipstaves in a lock-up house.

Longarm said in a very slightly slurred voice as if he too had been tippling more than a man ought to, at least more than was sensible if he intended to stumble into dark alleys in the middle of the night.