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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tipcat \Tip"cat`\, n. A game in which a small piece of wood pointed at both ends, called a cat, is tipped, or struck with a stick or bat, so as to fly into the air.

In the middle of a game at tipcat, he paused, and stood staring wildly upward with his stick in his hand.


n. 1 An old game in which a small piece of wood, pointed at both ends, called a "cat", is tipped, or struck with a stick or bat, to make it travel through the air as far as possible. 2 The wooden stick used in this game.

Usage examples of "tipcat".

The four chief sins of which he was guilty were dancing, ringing the bells of the parish church, playing at tipcat and reading the history of Sir Bevis of Southampton.

In the middle of a game at tipcat he paused, and stood staring wildly upwards with his stick in his hand.