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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tinea \Tin"e*a\, n. [L., a worm, a moth.]

  1. (Med.) A name applied to various skin diseases, but especially to ringworm. See Ringworm, and Sycosis.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) A genus of small Lepidoptera, including the clothes moths and carpet moths.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "ringworm," from Latin tinea "a gnawing worm, moth, bookworm," of uncertain origin. From 1650s as a type of moth (the larvae of which eat clothes, papers, etc.).


n. (context pathology English) A fungal infection of the skin known generally as ringworm.

  1. n. infections of the skin or nails caused by fungi and appearing as itching circular patches [syn: ringworm, roundworm]

  2. type genus of the Tineidae: clothes moths [syn: genus Tinea]


Tinea, often called ringworm, is any of a variety of skin mycoses. Tinea is a very common fungal infection of the skin. Tinea is often called "ringworm" because the rash is circular, with a ring-like appearance.

It is sometimes equated with dermatophytosis, and, while most conditions identified as "tinea" are members of the imperfect fungi that make up the dermatophytes, conditions such as tinea nigra and tinea versicolor are not caused by dermatophytes.

Tinea (moth)


Tinea is a genus of the fungus moth family, Tineidae. Therein, it belongs to the subfamily Tineinae. As evident by its name, it is the type genus of its subfamily and family. Established as one of the very first subgroups of " Phalaena", it used to contain many species of Tineidae that are nowadays placed in other genera, as well as a few moths nowadays placed elsewhere.

Usage examples of "tinea".

At the place where the Tinea forks, one branch running from west to east along the valley, and the other descending to it from the north, we turned northward from the old road toward the new military way, and almost at once came to the Wall.

Cilurnum was the official crossing point for neighboring people with business on the other side of the Wall, and it also provided the main bridge over the north Tinea River.

He had caught a fungus infection, Tinea capitis, in Korea, a fairly common one which Williard had studied about and for which there was nothing to be done, other than covering it with a stocking cap and pretending to be a hippie.

French, who ascended the Vesabia, drove the allies back to the Col de Finisterre, and General Serurier cleared the valley of the Tinea and established a communication with the army of Savoy by Isola.