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tincture of iodine

n. a tincture consisting of a solution of iodine in ethyl alcohol; applied topically to wounds as an antiseptic [syn: iodine]

Tincture of iodine

Tincture of iodine or iodine tincture is an antiseptic, it is also called weak iodine solution. It is usually 2–7% elemental iodine, along with potassium iodide or sodium iodide, dissolved in a mixture of ethanol and water. Tincture solutions are characterized by the presence of alcohol. It was used from 1908 in pre-operative skin preparation by surgeon Antonio Grossich.

Usage examples of "tincture of iodine".

She seemed enveloped in aromas of denatured alcohol, tincture of iodine, and the distinctive smell of adhesive tape.

Ceylon cinnamon, if tested with one or two drops of tincture of iodine to a fluid ounce of a decoction of the powder, is but little affected, while with Cassia a deep blueblack colour is produced.

There was something placid about her, despite the fact that the tincture of iodine was working its way up her arms.

The mountains were a drab brown, the sky a poisonous-looking tincture of iodine.

Doctor DuBose says that tincture of iodine is still the best treatment.

Many will remember that great epidemic of croup which desolated, thirty-five years ago, the quartiers bordering on the Seine at Paris, and of which science took advantage to experiment on a large scale as to the efficacy of insufflations of alum, now so happily replaced by the tincture of iodine externally applied.

The reader will remember the great epidemic of croup which ravaged the river districts of the Seine in Paris thirty-five years ago, and of which science took advantage to make experiments on a grand scale as to the efficacy of inhalations of alum, so beneficially replaced at the present day by the external tincture of iodine.