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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Timorous \Tim"or*ous\, a. [LL. timorosus, from L. timor fear; akin to timere to fear. See Timid.]

  1. Fearful of danger; timid; deficient in courage.

  2. Indicating, or caused by, fear; as, timorous doubts. ``The timorous apostasy of chuchmen.''
    --Milman. [1913 Webster] -- Tim"or*ous*ly, adv. -- Tim"or*ous*ness, n.


n. The property of being timorous.

  1. n. fear of the unknown or unfamiliar and of making decisions [syn: timidity, timidness]

  2. fearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities [syn: timidity] [ant: boldness]

Usage examples of "timorousness".

Another hour, no, less, then he would knock off, night would come, and tomorrow August would be starting, August the burning fever month which mixes so much fear of death and timorousness into its ardent cup.

Ashamed by the timorousness of his fellows, Bugge had pounded the table with his fist.

The victim of dwarfdom, the wretched Shelyid's runtish body was ill served and thus doubly cursed by bad nerves, the slightest agitation of which would produce the most indecorous results: pox, palsy, jitters, quivers, tremors, convulsions, paroxysms, fevers, the staggers, the jerks, shortness of breath, frequent and uncontrolled excretion, irregularities of the pulse, lock-jaw, ague, fidgets, timorousness, and a general feeling of social inferiority.