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n. (plural of timeslip English)

Usage examples of "timeslips".

No-one knew how or why Timeslips operated, though down the years people had come up with some really disturbing theories.

All the Authorities ever did was set up barriers and warning signs around the affected areas and wait for the Timeslips to disappear again.

We won't talk about Timeslips, because their very existence makes our head hurt, and we don't even have a head.

They'd arrived in the Nightside after stumbling into Timeslips, and ended up stranded here when the Timeslips collapsed.

The Nightside was a big place, even in its early days, and just as before we had to go the long way round, to avoid Timeslips and places where directions were often a matter of opinion.

Ever-changing dis­plays on the far wall showed the current times and dates within all the Timeslips operating within the Nightside, while a large map showed the constantly contracting and expanding boundaries of the Nightside itself.

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows enough to avoid Timeslips, and they're always well sign-posted.