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time of arrival

n. The time when an airplane, etc, is scheduled to arrive.

time of arrival

n. the time at which a public conveyance is scheduled to arrive at a given destination [syn: arrival time]

Time of arrival

Time of arrival (TOA or ToA), sometimes called time of flight (ToF), is the travel time of a radio signal from a single transmitter to a remote single receiver.

Compared to the TDOA technique, time of arrival uses the absolute time of arrival at a certain base station rather than the measured time difference between departing from one and arriving at the other station. The distance can be directly calculated from the time of arrival as signals travel with a known velocity. Time of arrival data from two base stations will narrow a position to a position circle; data from a third base station is required to resolve the precise position to a single point. Many radiolocation systems, including GPS, use ToA.

Usage examples of "time of arrival".

He didn't know them by sight, but he had been briefed on the make and registration number of their car, and he knew their estimated time of arrival.

Sallahs watch ended before the estimated time of arrival on Pern but she made herself small against the side wall, along with everyone else from her watch, in order to have the best view possible.

In Riyadh it was seized upon avidly and the radio technicians logged its time of arrival: 2355 hours, November 30, 1990.

He did not stop to solve any differential equations which would tell him the rock's time of arrival.

They were still thirteen minutes away from their estimated time of arrival at the island.

That would give them an Estimated Time of Arrival at Port Moresby of 1700, 1710.