Crossword clues for tidbits
n. (plural of tidbit English)
Tidbits (styled TidBITS) is a electronic newsletter and web site dealing primarily with Apple Computer and Macintosh-related topics.
Usage examples of "tidbits".
Now and then Senzei caught snippets of their conversation, tidbits carried back to him on the evening breeze: Rakhene history.
One story led to another and another, but they were interesting tidbits, and Carrie thought it would be rude to interrupt.
She was already aware that he had a loose tongue and gloried in tidbits of scandal.
They exchanged newsy little tidbits until their stomachs were filled and the beer had mellowed them out.
He, in turn, tried to find out what she thought of Tellus, when she had been there, who her boss was and things like that, while giving out hints and odd tidbits to keep her interested.