n. (plural of tidal force English)
Usage examples of "tidal forces".
An impressive gain, though the tidal forces derived from a gravitational field of over 10,000,000 gees might leave the ship's passengers a little the worse for wear.
Whatever tidal forces she had wielded in her moment of terror, allowing her to call the storm, it had been purely unconscious effort.
Some day, astronomers said, obscure tidal forces would draw her so close to earth that racking internal tides would shatter her, turning her into something like the rings of Saturn.
One slip and Voyager would be ripped apart by the intense tidal forces at work below them.
I couldn't even feel the tidal forces, though I knew they were there.
Now and again, some bit of debris would be pulled into the horizon, and a bright spark would flare up as the bit of dust or misplaced screwdriver was torn apart by tidal forces, giving up some part of its mass as energy as it was sucked down into the singularity.
The formation of the maria lava sheets is consistent with melting by tidal forces.
Europa is held in Jupiter's massive gravitational grasp, and tidal forces warm its interior.
One shield fluctuation and the tidal forces will stretch you to taffy.
He thinks that when he fought up here before that the stones all lay fallen in, torn down by human hands long ago or simply by the tidal forces of time and weather.
Not until the tidal forces that drove Io's furnaces had lost their power, millions of years later, would there be anything to interest biologists on that seared and sterilized world.
Or maybe it was only the kind of thing that could pass for inspiration when your brain had just been stretched by tidal forces.