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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Thunder \Thun"der\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Thundered; p. pr. & vb. n. Thundering.] [AS. [thorn]unrian. See Thunder, n.]

  1. To produce thunder; to sound, rattle, or roar, as a discharge of atmospheric electricity; -- often used impersonally; as, it thundered continuously.

    Canst thou thunder with a voice like him?
    --Job xl. 9.

  2. Fig.: To make a loud noise; esp. a heavy sound, of some continuance.

    His dreadful voice no more Would thunder in my ears.

  3. To utter violent denunciation.


Thundering \Thun"der*ing\, a.

  1. Emitting thunder.

    Roll the thundering chariot o'er the ground.
    --J. Trumbull.

  2. Very great; -- often adverbially. [Slang] [1913 Webster] -- Thun"der*ing*ly, adv.


Thundering \Thun"der*ing\, n. Thunder.
--Rev. iv. 5.

  1. 1 Of, pertaining to, or accompanied by thunder. 2 Producing a noise or effect like thunder; thunderous 3 very great; extraordinary. 4 Awesomely great, intense, or unusual. n. (context archaic English) thunderstorm v

  2. (present participle of thunder English)

  1. adj. sounding like thunder; "the thundering herd"

  2. extraordinarily big or impressive; "a thundering success"; "the thundering silence of what was left unsaid"

Usage examples of "thundering".

The odds were slightly more in favor of mummified alumnae staggering out of the ritual closet than of police thundering down the stairs, but there was little else to do.

There was a heavy clang, a thundering crash, the ship trembled, tilted, heeled, and slowly, painfully, settled back upright as Bade hung onto the desk and Runckel dove for cover.

She longed to bury her face and hands in their fur, feel their raspy tongues on her cheeks and fingersor flippers as the case might behear their thundering purrs or even their disdainful scolding.

Some engagements were fought, some towns were besieged, with various and doubtful success: and if the Romans failed in their attempt to recover the long-lost possession of Nisibis, the Persians were repulsed from the walls of a Mesopotamian city, by the valor of a martial bishop, who pointed his thundering engine in the name of St.

The Musicke beganne vppon a sodayne with a rare inuention to sound a charge with a pleasaunt concord, participating togeather a sweete and thundering melodie, hauing in it a deuine furie.

He grunted out a string of English oaths, and capped them with an obscene Spanish blasphemy he had picked up among the Fourth Level inhabitants of his island home of Nerros, to the south, and a thundering curse in the name of Mogga, Fire-God of Dool, in a Third-Level tongue.

A man in faultless white who looked more like a wrestler than a cook supervised, thundering condemnations as he inspected every crate.

I got a new hold of him as we staggered and plunged, roaring the while like the wild beasts we were, the teeth chattering in the Martian heads as they watched us, and then, exerting all my strength, lifted him fairly from his feet and with supreme effort swung him up, shoulder high, and with a mighty heave hurled him across the tables, flung that ambassador, whom no Martian dared look upon, crashing and sprawling through the gold and silver of the feast, whirled him round with such a splendid send that bench and trestle, tankards and flagons, chairs and cloths and candelabras all went down into thundering chaos with him, and the envoy only stayed when his sacred person came to harbour amongst the westral odds and ends, the soiled linen, and dirty platters of our wedding feast.

Where Bleak Fell sank in the north, the Blackwater curved to meet the Elfinwater on its journey oceanward, and at that point the names of both rivers changed, for though mighty, they became but feudatories to the thundering Ravenswater gushing down from the east.

Far under his feet the river was louder than usual, the enlarged flume thundering an increased flood down beyond the dam, while to the upriver the earthwork diversion dike had backed up increasingly deeper water, still water to all appearance, until it slipped violently down that chute and boiled among the rocks before it started its seaward course again.

There was a faint gleam of fire far down the path, that wound down to the site, the diversion dike, from which the big flume carried its thundering load toward the black mass of the dam and over.

Tall Man had come thundering across during their race, Longarm rode wide around it and splashed into the creek that meandered through the basin where the Upper Belle Fourche Intertribal Agency was laid out.

A labyrinth of grandeur, less the property of an old family of human beings and their ghostly likenesses than of an old family of echoings and thunderings which start out of their hundred graves at every sound and go resounding through the building.

Snarling at the happenstance, Mardasper was thundering down the long, narrow back stair before the intruder could have reached the doorstep.

He stood, reluctant to leave the Mikado and its thundering, jangling music.