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n. (plural of thunderhead English)

Usage examples of "thunderheads".

The existence of the thunderheads helped, but not as much as we'd hoped it would.

The northernmost bluff had two gentle ridges extending from its top all the way down into the mass of thunderheads, and between those ridges was a hollow with plenty of room for both of the shelters Shepherd Zagorin had lent us.

Suppose, for sake of argument, that the thunderheads have a high metallic content.

The thunderheads were a ghostly sea of faint white patches, some of them seeming to quiver in the breeze.

I stopped, turning again to look at the sea of thunderheads crowded between the buttes.

Besides the techs at the monitors, there were probably another ten people crouching by the thunderheads or milling about generally, with another five or six Pravilos lounging at various points around the perimeter.

Those thunderheads furthest away seemed the most alert, while those closest to us—including the monitored ones—seemed virtually lifeless.

We'll watch one of your test thunderheads and see if we can both spot the exact moment when it returns again.

The attempt to block the muzzle of Kutzko's needler was abundant proof that the thunderheads had both the intelligence and the means to defend themselves, and Eisenstadt knew it.

We were there, and I was studying and marveling at the elaborate sensor gear that had been attached to several of the thunderheads, when she was finally brought in.

Her eyes drifted out over the sea of thunderheads, and I felt her hand stiffen.

You set up your sensors on one of the thunderheads, who promptly runs out when he sees you coming, and then you have to wait another two hours before you can tell whether it's dead or just off somewhere hiding.

Adams gazed out at the thunderheads, his sense a no-win struggle between the logic of the situation and his desire to protect his people.

Perhaps it was a side effect of the way the thunderheads used her speech center to talk to us.

Paquin have already stated you believe the thunderheads are creating tension in the people of Solitaire.