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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ the band's thumping Salsa beat
▪ A thumping defeat is said to be a victory.
▪ Slashing costs and hiking insurance rates cut its loss against 1991 by a thumping £84 million.
▪ The first tranche of shares in 1987 sold at £26,000, and the most recent at a thumping £41,000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Thump \Thump\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Thumped; p. pr. & vb. n. Thumping.] To strike or beat with something thick or heavy, or so as to cause a dull sound.

These bastard Bretons; whom our hathers Have in their own land beaten, bobbed, and thumped.


Thumping \Thump"ing\, a. Heavy; large. [Colloq.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"exceptionally large," colloquial, 1570s, present participle adjective from thump (v.).

  1. (context informal English) exceptional in some degree. n. 1 A dull, heavy sound. 2 A beating. 3 (context sports English) A heavy defeat. v

  2. (present participle of thump English)

  1. adj. (used informally) very large; "a thumping loss" [syn: humongous, banging, whopping, walloping]

  2. n. a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects) [syn: thump, clump, clunk, thud]

Usage examples of "thumping".

Her heart still thumping in her chest, Angelique sank back into the water.

I smell the tarragon in the Breton sauce prepared for the artichoke leaves, and hurry to the drinks cabinet, heart thumping, absurdly fearful that my living soul is chopped into the sauce with the tarragon leaves.

Young Caddles became aware of a little dark blue figure thumping at his shin.

Furthermore, Black Emanuel resumes the thumpings where Frank leaves off, and by and by my friend is much bewildered and downhearted and does not care what happens to her.

All these maneuvers were met with a rising volume of din from the ephebes, who in their excitement increased the speed of their stomping, losing the sense of the steady beat until the noise was no longer a distinct thumping but rather a prolonged roar.

Both Sweet Milk and Gobby moved in, trying to catch the hound, but she leaped at them, coming up on her hind legs as tall as a man, then thumping down to stand over Per again.

Muley Graves prowled about restlessly, looking through the bars into the truck, thumping the spare tires hung on the back of the truck.

So, with laughter and a continual crack of voices our jay-like crew swung on, swaying and thumping in the strange ecstasy of irreflection, happy to be moving they knew not where, nor greatly why, under the visiting sun, to the sound of murdered music.

I can hear sounds now: fragments of words, the stuttering wail of a klaxon alarm, and a heartbeat thumping, thumping.

Her heart started thumping in her chest and she kne he had made a decision.

Daniel to the front door and out onto the porch, where Lotto waited with tail thumping.

Astrology, health food, flag waving, bible thumping, Zen, nudism, nihilism-all of these are grotesque simplifications which small dreary people adopt in the hope of thereby finding The Answer, because the very concept that maybe there is no answer, never has been, never will be, terrifies them.

It was not even ten o'clock, and the main street of Colgate was streaming with traffic, car stereos thumping.

The peeve growled around the bone and lashed its tail, making a thumping noise on the shutters.

The piscines would slither outward, some of them still faintly thumping, until they reached an available preparer.