vb. (en-third-person singular of: throw up)
Usage examples of "throws up".
It digs into The Black Sun's operating system, rifles it for information, and then throws up a flat square map in front of his face, giving him a quick overview of who's here and whom they're talking to.
No, no, he's wrong, it is losing altitude slowly now, and it plows into the water and throws up another pair of wings all right.
A jet of white-hot flame shoots out of the drain hole down below, digs itself into the river very close to where Andrew Loeb came to rest, and throws up a cloud of steam that forces all of the choppers to gain altitude.
Bak brings his sword down and throws up his hand to Way push Taimet backward.
Thereupon Volumnia throws up her hands and tells him angrily to do as he pleases.
But when a horse throws up both hind-legs in play, as when entering an open field, or when just touched by the whip, he does not generally depress his ears, for he does not then feel vicious.
He strides past Burnside, throws up his hands, and drops into his chair.