vb. (past participle of throw down English)
Usage examples of "thrown down".
On the other hand, militia men who'd thrown down their weapons had been disarmed, stripped of their valuable byrnies, then freed.
But if I am to stoop and throw down one, or be thrown down by another, and flatter those who are got in, a fig is not worth this, nor any other of the things which are not really good, and which the philosophers have persuaded me not to esteem as good.
All these were to be thrown down at a preconcerted signal, the companies were to rush out and seize the eleven guns of the headquarters fort.
Herbert had taken the bits of wood which he had thrown down, and was exerting himself to rub them.
Francis having seized all the coast from Negapatam to San Thome, they being the first who had begun to preach there the light of the Holy Gospel, and having throughout that tract thrown down many temples and destroyed many pagodas, a thing which grieved excessively all the Brahmans, these latter reported the facts to Rama Raya, king of Bisnaga, whose vassals they were, and begged him that he would hasten to their assistance for the honour of their gods.
When they entered the parlor Caleb had thrown down his hat and was seated at his desk.
But there he is seized and thrown down by both officers as one unworthy to enter.
The popular story has it that Jim with a touch of one finger had thrown down the gate.
The hut of a savage, or the tent of an Arab, may be thrown down without injury to the inhabitant.
The statues of Theodosius, of his father, of his wife Flaccilla, of his two sons, Arcadius and Honorius, were insolently thrown down from their pedestals, broken in pieces, or dragged with contempt through the streets.
In 447 it was thrown down by an earthquake, and rebuilt in three months by the diligence of the praefect Cyrus.
The temples of the Parthians, and the statues of their deified monarchs, were thrown down with ignominy.