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throw rug

n. A scatter rug

throw rug

n. a small rug; several can be used in a room [syn: scatter rug]

Usage examples of "throw rug".

It lay under a throw rug, and was hard to spot in the gloom even with the rug off.

The throw rug was made of concentric circles of tan and black, resembling a target.

Joley lay sprawled out on the floor as she often did, her fingertips tapping a rhythm on the throw rug and her head bobbing to some internal song, but her mind was clearly on Sarah's words.

A transparent nightgown lay in the middle of the floor like a throw rug.

The last thing I saw before I went to sleep was bars of sunlight falling through the venetian blinds and onto the small throw rug by the radiator.

Each lamp stand was a naked torso, each throw rug had a golden girl in its pattern.

Then I proved what a guy I was by pulling off my pants without falling headfirst onto the throw rug.