Crossword clues for thriftily
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Thriftily \Thrift"i*ly\ (thr[i^]ft"[i^]*l[y^]), adv.
In a thrifty manner.
Carefully; properly; becomingly. [Obs.]
A young clerk . . . in Latin thriftily them gret [greeted].
adv. In a thrifty manner, economically.
adv. in a thrifty manner; "a used towel that he had used and had left thriftily on the ledge below the mirror rather than consign to the linen basket"
Usage examples of "thriftily".
But that we have stuck it upon you to-day, in your own imagined persons, and so lately, this Amazon, the champion of the sex, should beat you now thriftily, for the common slanders which ladies receive from such cuckoos as you are.
Oh what a crossing for the straighteners and the old brown dress --which latter appurtenance the child saw thriftily revived for the possible disasters of travel!
One weak bulb glowed thriftily in the rose-shaded lamp on the sideboard.
The rooms were full of conveniences,--easy-chairs, sofas, plenty of bureaus and dressing-tables, and corner fireplaces like Franklin stoves, in which odd little fires burned on cool days, made of pine cones, cakes of pressed sawdust exactly like Boston brown bread cut into slices, and a few sticks of wood thriftily adjusted, for fuel is worth its weight in gold in Florence.
Khefti thriftily had his cook pickle the rinds from his melons, in keeping with his parsimonious nature.
But when we reach the underlying motives of the exploration and settlement of that continent, do they who sought the sources and the paths to the smell of other tide-waters deserve dispraise or less praise than those who sat thriftily by the Atlantic seashore?
What is now making itself felt, however, is a desire to get the wage element in the ingot as thriftily, as efficiently, as nobly converted and used to the last ounce as is the profit element.
To this very day, Niobe stands in the window of the Coach store on Park Avenue, surrounded by a display of fine handbags, with a scattering of ferns at her stony feet thriftily placed so that they are watered by her tears.
And from the far, far distance, far at sea, tattered life jackets still afloat, bobbing, the heads of sailors so thriftily held above the waves now turned to bleached and polished skulls.
They can even drive in their own rover back to Mars Base 1 to thriftily retrieve fuel, scientific information and gear.
Fifteen minutes later, after what seemed a good deal of fussing, the guard at the head of the gang - plank stepped aside and the passengers of the Carib Queen - or such of them as did not, thriftily, remain to lunch aboard - surged into Havana.
But when we reach the underlying motives of the exploration and settlement of that continent, do they who sought the sources and the paths to the smell of other tide-waters deserve dispraise or less praise than those who sat thriftily by the Atlantic seashore?
Evidently the slave had been thriftily disposing of any dregs left in the cups she collected for washing.
Whenever he stayed home in the evening he went to bed early, and thriftily got ahead in those dismal duties.