Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
adj. stimulating interest or thought; "a challenging hypothesis"; "a thought-provoking book" [syn: challenging]
Usage examples of "thought-provoking".
He sat amid the pillows on his bed, ratchety ratchety come and catchety, eventually leaning over to untie his shoes and then removing the rest of the clothing and stretching for his robe, wondering in this interval of reaching out to finger the patterned fabric why it was that with the coupled obstacles of child size and cyclothymia he had to endure as well the thought-provoking if minor abnormality of a right testicle that hung noticeably lower than the left.
Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange) bought rights to the piece and worked closely with the author in expanding the thought-provoking story into both a majestic novel and a monumental screenplay.
With a displacement of around 40 tons, its design was particularly thought-provoking, incorporating, in the words of one expert, ‘all the sea-going ship’s characteristic properties, with prow and stern soaring upward, higher than in a Viking ship, to ride out the breakers and high seas, not to contend with the little ripples of the Nile.
Madden's lecture had been compelling and thought-provoking, and what was going on in Spring Lake certainly was bizarre enough to make one wonder if there was such a thing as a reincarnated serial killer.