n. The steps that a person or group goes through in arriving at a thought.
Usage examples of "thought process".
She considered the situation for just a moment, using pretty much the same thought process as if she was deciding to throw a grounder to first or second, then pulled the pin and spun her right arm in a whirlwind motion, slamming the grenade upward to ricochet off the roof and back down into the group.
Remove this blueprint or thought process, as in unconsciousness, and we fall over in a heap, or slump in our chair.
Such concentration was especially torturous when the work demanded a new thought process, but often the necessary rewriting was already patterned into his brain from previous work.
An analytical thought process is not permanently hooked in but can be thrown in and out of circuit at the will of the analyzer.
They much prefer logic - the grounded, explainable, unemotional thought process that ends in a supportable conclusion.
Those who cannot have followed his thought process must follow his orders—.
A picture formed in Andacanavar's mind, a map of his own thought process, and he mentally placed an enemy marker whenÂ.