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a. Having a thong or thongs.

Usage examples of "thonged".

She, kneeling, her hands tied behind her, her ankles thonged, wildly, faced Mahpiyasapa.

Lying on her belly before him, her hands bound behind her back, her ankles thonged, she pressed her lips, again and again, helplessly, to his moccasins, covering them with kisses.

Her left wrist is thonged and then the thong is passed through the drilled aperture in the left end of the yoke.

As we left the wagon, each of us, one by one, we were thonged in a line, by binding fiber, in throat coffle.

Through barefoot, though thonged by the throat, though branded, though clad in a camisk, though a degraded slave, at the mercy of men, I felt, perhaps for the first time in my life, paradoxically, vitally and joyously happy.

Even Lana, then, did not seem so lofty and clever, kneeling bound by the bars, for the inspection of all, thonged to them by a nose ring.