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a. Most inferior in quality or standing.

Usage examples of "third-class".

And while Minks bumped down in his third-class crowded carriage to Sydenham, hunting his evasive sonnet, Henry Rogers glided swiftly in a taxi-cab to his rooms in St.

I had my way, I would put a clause in the Constitution giving all third-class postmasterships to third-class editors, anyway.

Getting off the train at Florence too late to ride on, Longarm got a room in a third-class hotel near the railside stockyards, drawing looks that were thoughtful to hostile as he deposited the loaded-up roping saddle on the floor near the desk to sign in.

They might persuade and pay some peasants to buy third-class tickets for them.

And while Minks bumped down in his third-class crowded carriage to Sydenham, hunting his evasive sonnet, Henry Rogers glided swiftly in a taxi-cab to his rooms in St.

The journey had been spent in an ordinary third-class railway carriage, where the two warders smoked black tobacco in cheap little wooden pipes and were inclined towards conversation.

Since it was the highly estimable Eastern Steamship Line running daily up the coast from Boston to Bangor, the brochure avoided such harsh terms in favor of the overblown moniker third-class lounge.

A first-class cabin to themselves, day trips to resort centres, the eager buzz of third-class passengers on their way to a new life on homesteads springing up behind the retreating permafrost.

Richard, as he made his way through all these airports, toting his mail sack of Untitleds and his burden of biographies, wouldn't have minded trying the odd junk novel, but he was too busy reading all this crap about third-class poets and seventh-rate novelists and eleventh-eleven dramatistsbiographies of essayists, polemicists, editors, publishers.

I had almost succeeded in convincing him that Coggin and Smith were rather poor third-class bowlers when we joined the group round the car.

He hopes, in his humble way, to be a barrister-at-law, third-class merely.

I have a couple of pupils who are preparing to try the Queen's Academy entrance examinations, and I don't like to leave them in the lurch or hand them over to the tender mercies of some third-class teacher who knows little Latin and less Greek.

He opened the mailbox and extracted a thick sheaf of mail, mostly third-class junk, which reminded him that he lived in a prestigious zip code and was on every mail-order hit list in the nation.

Look at what we've got now, something that could be a third-class suburban area of any duty industrial town in Britain - only worse.

That is from Dr Samuel Johnson, I believe - a man who regarded women as no better than third-class citizens, lower than Scotsmen or Americans - two groups quite low in his esteem.