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thinned out

vb. (en-pastthin out)

Usage examples of "thinned out".

It was deserted, the boma surrounding it a withered tracery of thorn, thinned out by wind and sand so that it looked like dannert wire.

The people surrounding them had thinned out long minutes ago, which meant there wasn't much cover left.

It was only when the passageway thinned out and the people passing them were fewer in number that he began to feel a certain relief.

When he was quite gone, Odeen uplifted himself and thinned out angrily.

To the south, densities were much lighter in the blue and yellow lanes and even the green had thinned out.

The ship drew off from the land, and the smaller craft used by fishermen and shore traders thinned out.

They were bunched out fifty feet back from the house, a compact, solid mass of men that thinned out towards the edges, spreading in a crescent round the house as though formed by instinct into some old order of battle.

Thus far the thick mist had held, but if it thinned out even for a moment .

The creatures stayed where they were, however, and in time the bat population thinned out to nothing.

The storm of small-arms fire was like the monsoon rains beating on an iron roof, and as the impis came into the drifting banks of gunsmoke, the dense ranks thinned out, and lost momentum, like a wave sliding up a steep beach.

Mabry led the way, and after a few hundred yards the brush thinned out and there were more trees, poplars with more and more evergreens and occasional clumps of aspens.

The strangers thinned out between them until Chuck was immediately behind her.