thinkmoney is a UK-based banking services provider. It is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations. thinkmoney’s Personal Account is a managed bank account and has been granted a four star mark by the Fairbanking Foundation.
thinkmoney charges all customers a fixed monthly fee - £17.50 for a single account and £24.50 for a joint account with no overdraft or transaction charges. It offers a budgeting service that sees customers money split into two accounts, one for spending and one for bills – an approach sometimes known as jam jar banking.
In 2012 customers of thinkmoney (then known as thinkbanking) were left without access to their money, due to a computer failure at Royal Bank of Scotland which it relies on for access to the payments infrastructure. A similar failure at RBS left some thinkmoney customers without access to their incomes again in June 2015.
In 2014, thinkmoney introduced the First Data’s PIN Now SMS solution.
thinkmoney is an associate member of the British Bankers' Association. thinkmoney is a member of Think Money Group and has been listed in the Sunday Times’ Best Place to Work in the UK for the past 10 years thinkmoney's research and surveys has been featured in many media outlets including the Daily Mirror, The Independent, Daily Express, Metro, Mail Online and etc.