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think aloud

vb. (context idiomatic English) To utter one's thoughts.

Usage examples of "think aloud".

Dain replied carefully, aware that Verence wanted to think aloud, not receive advice from his newest chevard, “.

It was rare for Silverhand to think aloud, and I kept quiet as she continued, “.

Hay was always fascinated whenever the Tycoon began to think aloud.

Proceed, philosophers, teach, enlighten, enkindle, think aloud, speak aloud, run joyously towards the broad daylight, fraternise in the public squares, announce the glad tidings, scatter plenteously your alphabets, proclaim human rights, sing your Marseillaises, sow enthusiasm broadcast, tear off green branches from the oak-trees.

He took this as a sign of approval and a confirmation of his thoughts, and after a few minutes' reflection continued to think aloud.

Normally she would have shielded Paul from her fears, but she needed to talk, to think aloud.

Being able to spend the days and nights together, to walk in the streets hand in hand, to dine together in public and laugh openly together, to stand up unafraid and say what we think aloud, to kiss and do all the silly adorable things that lovers do, and to hold the child of our love between usIt was too painful, she could not go on.

All sat and listened to Zhu talk, and though Zhu kept encouraging them to enter the discussion and make of it a large conversation, they were mostly content to listen to him think aloud, only egging him on with their questions.

Come, philosophers, teach, enlighten, light up, think aloud, speak aloud, hasten joyously to the great sun, fraternize with the public place, announce the good news, spend your alphabets lavishly, proclaim rights, sing the Marseillaises, sow enthusiasms, tear green boughs from the oaks.