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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Thimblerigger \Thim"ble*rig`ger\, n. One who cheats by thimblerigging, or tricks of legerdemain.


n. One who cheats by thimblerigging, or tricks of legerdemain.

Usage examples of "thimblerigger".

All around them tumblers tumbled, musicians tootled and squeaked, and troupes of players, jugglers, wrestlers, mountebanks, pickpockets, cutpurses, prostitutes, quacksalvers, thimbleriggers, blagueurs, and the like went energetically and often noisily about their work.

What had become clear was that Brad McAfee was, to use his own colorful language, a thimblerigger, a pigeon plucker, a hornswoggler.

Brad McAfee was, to use his own colorful language, a thimblerigger, a pigeon plucker, a hornswoggler.

They were artists of misdirection as sure as any thimblerigger shifting his three shells and one wizened pea.

The crowd bawls of dicers, crown and anchor players, thimbleriggers, broadsmen.

Inglesham again as they threaded their way through booths and wagons manned by thimbleriggers, card sellers, and vendors of every sort of food and drink.

Nearby, there were the thimbleriggers and the sharpers dealing monte and faro, tossing chuck-a-luck, spinning roulette wheels, and shattering all the laws of mathematical probability.

They were the firewater and cold-deck purveyors, the thimbleriggers and pill pushers, a goodly portion of whose receipts Murrell was now clucking delightedly over.

They formed the Misery Loves Company party and as soon as enough vote-finagling thimbleriggers and power-hungry pettifoggers sniffed which way the barbecue-free wind was blowing, they had them a solid legislative representation in Washington.