- Novel of 1926
- Work by 34 Across
- Novel adding to its setting?
- Hemingway saga
- Motto of a Baltimore newspaper?
- Novel whose title is taken from Ecclesiastes
- It features Jake Barnes
- Classic novel of 1926
- Classic American novel set in France and Spain
- 6:15 A.M
- 1957 film with Tyrone Power, Ava Gardner, Mel Ferrer, and Error Flynn
- 1926 novel set in Pamplona
- Ernest Hemingway title from Ecclesiates
- Hemingway opus
- Novel featuring Jake Barnes
- Novel whose title comes from Ecclesiastes
- 6:15 A.M.
- Novel featuring Lady Brett Ashley
- Originally "The Lost Generation"
- Hemingway novel: 1926
- Second novel by 56 Across
- Novel about "the lost generation"
- Work by 16 Across