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In Greek mythology, Thestius was the son of either Ares and Demonice, or Agenor (son of Pleuron son of Aetolus) and Epicasta. He was the father of Iphicles with Leucippe, or Deidameia, daughter of Perieres, or else with Eurythemis, daughter of Cleoboea and mother of his other children, Althaea, Eurypylus, Evippus, Hypermnestra, Leda, Toxeus and Plexippus. In one source though, the mother of Althaea and Leda is Laophonte, daughter of Pleuron.

Thestius was allied with Tyndareus and Icarius against Hippocoon.

He is not to be confused with Thespius, who was sometimes referred to as "Thestius".

The patronymic "Thestias" may refer to one of his daughters, Leda or Althaea, and "Thestiades" to his son Iphicles.

Thestius (butterfly)

Thestius is a genus of hairstreak butterflies in the family Lycaenidae. The members (species) of this genus are found in the Neotropic ecozone.