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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Thermometric \Ther`mo*met"ric\, Thermometrical \Ther`mo*met"ric*al\, a. [Cf. F. thermom['e]trique.]

  1. Of or pertaining to a thermometer; as, the thermometrical scale or tube.

  2. Made, or ascertained, by means of a thermometer; as, thermometrical observations.


a. 1 Of or pertaining to the measurement of temperature 2 Of, pertaining to, or employing a thermometer


adj. of or relating to thermometry; "helium gas was the thermometric fluid"

Usage examples of "thermometric".

Like everybody else in the kitchen, Prairie had a threshold for how long she could spend in that sinister freezer before some more than thermometric chill sent her back out into the less clearly haunted world, pulses thumping.

Thus the thermometric readings of the Signal Service Bureau for 1873, show that the average temperature for July and August was 74 deg.

The boots were an anachronism since the introduction of thermometric footwear but he liked them.

North of that line the sharpness of the parting wall becomes less distinct, the stream spreads out broadly over the surface of the Atlantic, yet its thermometric effects are distinctly traceable to Iceland and Nova Zembla, and the tropical driftwood which it carries affords the principal timber supply of the inhabitants of the first-named isle.

Then the currents carry them into less cold waters, where their edges are worn by the waves, while the temperature disintegrates their bases and their sides, which are subjected to thermometric influences.