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Theresianum (or Theresian Academy; German: Öffentliche Stiftung der Theresianischen Akademie in Wien) is a private boarding school governed by the laws for public schools in Vienna, which was founded by Maria Theresa of Austria in 1746.

Theresianum (disambiguation)

Theresianum is used for several institutions:

  • The Theresianum or Theresian Academy, a private boarding school governed by the laws for public schools in Vienna.
  • A high school in Eisenstadt.
  • A large building complex in the suburbs of Hermannstadt that was used in the forced migrations of 1754.
  • A Gymnasium devoted to the Humanities in Bamberg.
  • A state-recognized all-day Gymnasium in Mainz.
  • A high school for women in Ingenbohl.
  • The Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt.