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contraction (context colloquial English) Shortened form of there have.

Usage examples of "there've".

Don't laugh, but there've even been a couple of incidents like the poltergeist phenomena they sometimes dramatize on what Herb calls 'the psycho-reality shows'.

I'm sure there've been Frasers imbibing and gorging in the Caerlaverock courtyard often over the eight hundred years past, but today, I am the Fraser who's hereto listen to the pipers.

I tell you there've been laws written down since first men could record their wickedness and their prideand there has always been a way to make those laws no more than chicken scratches.

And, as you know, there've been delays in getting materiel up to the station, weather problems mainly, with all those freak storms messing up launch windows.

There've been destroyers before, but There've always been rebuilders too.

Weather's fine, there've been no startlements, nothin out there 'cept sand an' more sand.

There've been times when I've noticed television commercials and theme songs and other nonsense cycling over and over in their sly little brains when they were obviously up to some deviltry.