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Therapnes , in ancient times Therapne , is a municipal unit (dimotiki enotita) of the municipality (dimos) of Sparti within the regional unit (perifereiaki enotita) of Laconia in the region (perifereia) of Peloponnese, one of 13 regions into which Greece has been divided. Before 2011 Therapnes was a Demos of Lakonia according to Law 2539 of 1997, the Kapodistria Plan. Its seat was Gkoritsa, which now has no such status.

Both before the Kallikratis law and after it, Therapnes was composed of the same eight Local Communities (topiki koinotita), the lowest level of the hierarchy: Agioi Anargyroi (formerly Zouraina), Agrianoi, Gkoritsa, Kallonē, Kefalas, Platana, Skoura and Chrysafoi. The population for the 2001 census can therefore be transferred from the old to the new system without loss of accuracy, but that of Sparti, which has different Municipal Units under the new system, cannot be. The population of Therapnes in the 2001 census, conducted by the Ministry of the Interior, was 3,062.