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n. (plural of theorist English)

Usage examples of "theorists".

That imbalance we wish to redress, drawing on, among others, the theorists I just mentioned.

And further yet, theorists from Kierkegaard to Schelling to Hegel would insist that those social practices only exist in, and because of, the larger context of Spirit.

We are all holons within holons within holons forever, and each of these theorists helps orient us to deeper and larger engagements, therein to find deeper and wider meanings and liberations.

All sorts of theorists, from deep ecologists to social critics, from ecofeminists to postmodern poststructuralists, have found the notion of hierarchy not only undesirable but a bona fide cause of much social domination, oppression, and injustice.

But by claiming that She was banished, and by purporting to know how and why it happened, these ecofeminists are then in possession of a certain type of intensely dominating power, the power to tell the entire world what it must do in order to recapture an ethos of which these theorists are now the sole possessors.

And some theorists simply subdivide formal operational awareness into several substages, with the highest of those stages being what we are calling vision-logic.

And yet what these ideals drive the theorists toward is a denial of all such goods.

These theorists, as we will see in detail, end up unknowingly recommending pure regression as our salvation.

So, these theorists maintain, we really should never have gone past hunting-and-gathering societies.

Until other theorists carefully point out that precious few of these societies were actually egalitarian, that warfare most definitely existed, that the very seeds of sexist subjugation were planted here, that slavery was not unheard of.

I suggested in chapter 2, each of these theorists, at their best, is trying to point to a larger context that, when discovered and acknowledged, helps liberate us from a narrower and shallower imprisonment.

But each of those theorists tended to go from solving the first problem to failing the second.

This has led some theorists to attempt to simply equate the BPM and the centaur, and this will never do: the centaur is the entrace to the transpersonal through the front door, the BPM, through the back door, so to speak.

Various theorists have pointed to an undeniable acceleration of the pace of evolution, where major transformations seem to be occurring exponentially.

I mentioned in chapter 1, that the Great Chain theorists all subscribed to three interrelated notions: plenitude, continuity, and gradation.