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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Theopathetic \The`o*pa*thet"ic\, Theopathic \The`o*path"ic\, a. Of or pertaining to a theopathy.


a. Sensitive to divine influence; being profoundly affected by ideas of god.

Usage examples of "theopathic".

A lower example still of theopathic saintliness is that of Saint Gertrude, a Benedictine nun of the thirteenth century, whose 'Revelations,' a well-known mystical authority, consist mainly of proofs of Christ's partiality for her undeserving person.

In theopathic characters, like those whom we have just considered, the love of God must not be mixed with any other love.

When their intellectual outlook is narrow, they fall into all sorts of holy excesses, fanaticism or theopathic absorption, self-torment, prudery, scrupulosity, gullibility, and morbid inability to meet the world.