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n. 1 (plural of theatergoer English) 2 (alternative spelling of theatregoers English)

Usage examples of "theatergoers".

At home, getting ready for bed, the four theatergoers went about their nightly routines.

Ambrose says he already sees enough of the play to convince him that it is unworthy of his further attention, and he claims afterward that as he goes up the aisle with the bird cage in his hand he is stopped by ten different theatergoers, male and female, who all whisper to him that they are sorry they do not bring parrots.

Members of the cast and crew mingled with the handful of stalwart theatergoers who had bravely endured the evenings performance all the way through the final act.

She was perfectly obvious to the theatergoers, of course, but she was as invisible as a shadow.

Anna tried to fix her mind on the movie that had burned that image into the collective unconscious of a generation of theatergoers, but could not remember even the title.