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The Collaborative International Dictionary

thaw \thaw\ (th[add]), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Thawed (th[add]d); p. pr. & vb. n. Thawing.] [AS. [thorn][=a]wian, [thorn][=a]wan; akin to D. dovijen, G. tauen, thauen (cf. also verdauen to digest, OHG. douwen, firdouwen), Icel. [thorn]eyja, Sw. t["o]a, Dan. t["o]e, and perhaps to Gr. th`kein to melt. [root]56.]

  1. To melt, dissolve, or become fluid; to soften; -- said of that which is frozen; as, the ice thaws.

  2. To become so warm as to melt ice and snow; -- said in reference to the weather, and used impersonally.

  3. Fig.: To grow gentle or genial. Compare cold[4], a. and hard[6], a.


vb. (en-past of: thaw)

  1. adj. no longer frozen solid; "the thawed ice was treacheous"

  2. no longer frozen; "the thawed ground was muddy"

Usage examples of "thawed".

It was very much like the shallow pan that corpsicles were thawed in, and he caught a quick glimpse of several others like it in the room.

It took him a while after defrosting to get over the feeling, too, because Captain Bu wasn’t happy about the jawbone course corrections he had to make when he was thawed out himself.

The basic job he had been thawed out for in the first place, as donator of sperm for her collection of useful genetic materials, no longer existed for him.

It was the warming pan where frozen passengers were thawed back to life when the journey was through.

If only there were some way of prolonging that time— If he could stay thawed and living on the ship until it landed— Why, then he would be almost her own age, even old enough to be taken seriously by her!

For seven years, while Thurhan was thawed out for his turn at engineering duty.

He counted up: Three times frozen, three times successfully thawed without harm.

There are a couple of dozen of us real men around in one habitat or another that they’ve thawed out already.

However when he had flipped the towel away, and surveyed the extent and condition of Reeve's sores, his attitude thawed considerably.

Not all the warmth of the pelts on which he crouched could have thawed the fear in Peter's heart.

Clodagh produced a pair of thawed fish and a pan of water for the cats to lap.

It can’t have thawed appreciably in the time it’s been swinging in to Rukbat.

The kindness in that soft gentle suggestion reached and thawed the cold "nothingness" Robinton had been enduring.

So long as some of the resurgence spilled into the Oldtimer and thawed him a bit!

Let them see the foul thing and decide for themselves whether they want that thing thawed out in this camp.