det. An emphatic form of (term that English)
Usage examples of "that there".
At one end of the oval space which the warriors left down the center of the room stood Al-tan and another warrior whom I immediately recognized as a Galu, and then I saw that there were many Galus present.
Or make do, accepting that there are some things I will never understand.
She could not seem to grasp the truth of my origin or the fact that there were countless other peoples outside her stern barrier-cliffs.
Billings was satisfied, as were the rest of us, that this was the beach mentioned by Bowen, and we further found that there was ample room to assemble the sea-plane.
Almost instantaneously a huge bulk swooped down upon me, and as I looked up, I realized that there were flying reptiles even in this part of Caspak.
A month or so later the survivors have learned how to take care of themselves, but in the early summer the wolver knows that there are dens full of little ones all through the hills.
This doctrine, in practice, consists of two parts, on the one hand that a man shall not be punished except by due process of law, and on the other hand that there shall be a sphere within which a man's actions are not to be subject to governmental control.
What they really think and feel can be discovered by reading second-rate novels, where one finds that it is a dreadful thing to be born on the wrong side of the tracks, and that there is as much fuss about a mesalliance as there used to be in a small German Court.
So, each dot can easily be adjusted in size as required by the photoengraving, and there is no question that there is enough room on the head of a pin to put all of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica.
Are you aware that there is a reciprocal trade treaty in effect between the Vegan system and the Realm which specifies that freight in Vegan bottoms is dutiable only when consigned to ports in the Realm?
Finally, an assistant to the president of the Navaho nation, who happened to be an astronomer, told me that there is no proper name for the planet Mars in the Navaho language.
Jealousy was foreign to Roberta, for she was so comfortable with herself that there was no need for it in her life.
Then I realized that there was nothing to fear in death, that, in fact, it must be an enjoyable and exciting event, with nothing to be afraid of.
They don't even bother to hide what their doing, not that there's anyone to look.