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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Thankless \Thank"less\, a.

  1. Not acknowledging favors; not expressing thankfulness; unthankful; ungrateful.

    That she may feel How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is To have a thankless child!

  2. Not obtaining or deserving thanks; unacceptable; as, a thankless task.

    To shepherd thankless, but by thieves that love the night allowed.
    --Chapman. [1913 Webster] -- Thank"less*ly, adv. -- Thank"less*ness, n.


n. the property of being thankless

Usage examples of "thanklessness".

Gines de Pasamonte, to whom, along with the other galley slaves, Don Quixote gave his freedom in the Sierra Morena, a charitable act that was repaid with ingratitude and thanklessness by those ill-intentioned and badly behaved people.