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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a thankless task (=a difficult but necessary job)
▪ Driving a bus in London must be a pretty thankless task.
▪ It seems an exhausting and thankless task.
▪ In some ways that was a thankless task.
▪ Policing this activity to ensure submission of the reports is an unenviable and thankless task.
▪ As every true Cornishman knows, it was the wicked Tregeagle who was supposedly punished with this thankless task.
▪ Looking for reasoning in the forex markets is a thankless task so we won't bother.
▪ a thankless child
▪ Do-gooding is often tough, thankless work.
▪ Dole stands up and shoulders the practical and often thankless burden of political leadership.
▪ In some ways that was a thankless task.
▪ It seems an exhausting and thankless task.
▪ Policing this activity to ensure submission of the reports is an unenviable and thankless task.
▪ Shakur has charisma, and, luckily, the less thankless role: at least his character has a vestige of scruples.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Thankless \Thank"less\, a.

  1. Not acknowledging favors; not expressing thankfulness; unthankful; ungrateful.

    That she may feel How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is To have a thankless child!

  2. Not obtaining or deserving thanks; unacceptable; as, a thankless task.

    To shepherd thankless, but by thieves that love the night allowed.
    --Chapman. [1913 Webster] -- Thank"less*ly, adv. -- Thank"less*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"likely to not be rewarded with thanks," 1540s, from thank + -less. Related: Thanklessly; thanklessness.


a. (context of a task English) not appreciated or rewarded

  1. adj. not feeling or showing gratitude; "ungrateful heirs"; "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is / To have a thankless child!"- Shakespeare [syn: ungrateful, unthankful] [ant: grateful]

  2. not likely to be rewarded; "grading papers is a thankless task" [syn: unappreciated, ungratifying]

Usage examples of "thankless".

He trudged to Parramatta to pick up their weekly ration from the government store, dug turnips and potatoes in the garden plot, cut and carried firewood, and even, if he thought she was tired, relieved her of the thankless task of producing an edible meal from the often putrefying ration meat, which, in common with the rest of the community, they all found unpalatable.

Army schools, And I sing of the rankless, thankless man who hustles the Army mules.

The part assigned to the British contingents under General Milne, which had taken over the front from the Vardar eastwards past Doiran and down the Struma to the sea, was the somewhat thankless one of pinning the Bulgars to that sector and preventing them from reinforcing the threatened line in the west.

She often used to speak of my brother to me, and one day she said that he must be the most thankless of men or he would not despise her so.

I have, in fact, welded the turrets for them Everyone around him carried carabines, and probably felt so calm and relaxed because of that Indeed, it's part of human nature to be thankless and indifferent, Yura thought bitterly.

He described to him the activities of numerous small and large collectives in the immediate vicinity of Moscow, and also in other districts, which succeeded in making a fat profit not out of hard and thankless labor in the fields, but by producing articles out of polyethylene and polystryrol, colored items, door-handles, electric plugs, etc.

Any hint that a girl might be too fond of one of her friends provoked the scrutator, and the Marshal would be much offended to think she could possibly prefer any other role to the frugal, complex, and thankless one that he, God, and the covenants had bestowed upon her.

Why on earth should their beds be properly aired, seeing that they left them in such a thankless hurry?

It's thankless, dirty work-dragging leaking, smelly garbage bags out to the dumpster-and as the night porter is all by himself, he might well feel justified in taking full advantage of certain fringe benefits.

He had managed to get a single voice out of that chaos of conflicting personalities, even though for the most part it was like trying to herd cats and just as thankless a task.

And here was September ended, Wareham back in King Stephen’s hands, and Robert still detained in Geoffrey’s thankless service in Normandy.