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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Thankfully, my children are grown and able to support themselves.
▪ Firstly, engine fires happen, though thankfully they are rare, and often not catastrophic.
▪ Perhaps local authorities should thankfully accept this solution and turn their attention to the needs of non-dementing elderly residents and community services.
▪ Several other analysts of international politics thankfully envision more constructive possibilities.
▪ The carousel, its rows of white horses resplendent with red leather saddles and black-painted bridles, was thankfully almost empty.
▪ The lift was thankfully free and she stepped blindly into it, blinking so that she could find the right button to push.
▪ Very soon afterwards, the archdiocese withdrew its plans and the church thankfully continues in use.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Thankful \Thank"ful\, a. [AS. [thorn]ancfull.]

  1. Obtaining or deserving thanks; thankworthy. [R.]

    Ladies, look here; this is the thankful glass That mends the looker's eyes; this is the well That washes what it shows.

  2. Impressed with a sense of kindness received, and ready to acknowledge it; grateful.

    Be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
    --Ps. c. 4. [1913 Webster] -- Thank"ful*ly, adv. -- Thank"ful*ness, n.


adv. 1 In a thankful manner. 2 Also used as a synonym of fortunately.


adv. for which you are thankful; "thankfully he didn't come to the party"

Usage examples of "thankfully".

The street leading back to the north gate of the city was far less crowded, and, thankfully, his blurring effort was working enough that not a soul of the handful of people he passed in the orange light of dawn even seemed to look in his direction.

Sharing a glass of wine and a few civil words with the priest, Milord was then thankfully preparing to mount into his own carriage to return to London when a disturbing report was brought to him.

She put the Lancet down thankfully and went to fold blankets with Mevrouw Van Minn en-- they had them tidy just as Wim came back and informed them, in two languages, that coffee was in the salon, and the two young ladies were anxious for news.

Wyfold thankfully showed no signs of regulating the flow into the careful officialese of a formal statement.

He was also some relation to Protector Benjamin, but he seldom talked about it, and he seemed thankfully immune to the arrogance Sanko had seen out of certain Manticorans of far less exalted birth.

Then he made his farewells, scooped me up off the stool onto which I had thankfully subsided, and we were off again, into the cool wind of the dying night.

Thankfully, hardly any of the stalactites fell close enough to damage me.

And since no one knew what the Greenies were or were not, they had thankfully given the problem to Ulice Ston, who had never even seen a Greenie, and knew next to nothing about botany and alien psychology.

France, and leaving her own act on her unmitigated and unredressed, so that she would now thankfully get rid of her responsibility, and shake off a burden too heavy to be borne without complaint.

This field was thankfully untorn and he led the team across it at a lope towards the woodline.

She had, thankfully, disposed of the black bombazine and wore a soft gray gown cinched tightly at the waist and buttoned up to a neckline that dipped well below her shoulders.

Thankfully, Valerian people loved their demolition derbies and had pitched in.

A bit unnerving, but, thankfully, they cannot enter hexes in the South.

More than fifteen years went by before Yin fell and Chou Hsin was thankfully slaughtered.

Thankfully, aging has brought on nearsightedness, which does not warrant correction considering her three-meter maximum range due to head limitations.