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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Thank \Thank\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Thanked; p. pr. & vb. n. Thanking.] [AS. [thorn]ancian. See Thank, n.] To express gratitude to (anyone) for a favor; to make acknowledgments to (anyone) for kindness bestowed; -- used also ironically for blame.

``Graunt mercy, lord, that thank I you,'' quod she.

I thank thee for thine honest care.

Weigh the danger with the doubtful bliss, And thank yourself if aught should fall amiss.


vb. (en-past of: thank)

Usage examples of "thanked".

With many flowing and apparently sincere phrases, the President thanked Manager Barchenka for succeeding "where so many others had been defeated by such a monumental task" in completing the Space Station on time.

Helva thanked the Service for the small blessing that Kira had been desensitized to such hazards as hallucinogens, but the girl was as immobile in her trance as if she were susceptible.

With solemn courtesy, he thanked her for their intercourse, and, having dressed, excused himself with grave ceremony.

Republic at Turin, who thanked me for having enabled him to receive me.

I glanced at it with what I hoped was intelligent comprehension and thanked them most fervently.

He thanked the ancient gods that he had not permitted any witness to accompany him: especially Milaba who had been quite incensed at being left behind.

By the time he had landed, Sassinak thanked him, rose and calmly walked out of the pinnace and up the gangway to the cruiser.

Ertrid smiled, if coolly, and thanked Lunzie for her compliments, with an air of needing nothing from a lightweight.

The Parapsychic teams were volubly and embarrassingly thanked for preventing a major disaster, and by cocktail time everyone was pleased by the denouement, especially Patsy Tucker and Terry Cle.

The test subjects were all thanked and left the gym, Rick Hobson throwing Rhyssa an impudent wink as he walked by.

Then the Talents rose from the table, thanked the admiral and his officers for the tour and the lunch, and took the lift to the boat deck and the recently installed telepad.

Boris thanked him and relayed that report to Ottey and Bindra, the Padrugoi security officers in the office with him.

He thanked Reidinger's God for deliverance from a less appealing role.

Rojer thanked his brother as he swung out of the bunk and to the terminal where he copied down the specs.

Several times the captain thanked the Primes for bringing in the raw materials -- fresh meats, fish, vegetables, cheeses, fruits and sweets which the Washington's galley had transformed into such an elegant repast.