vb. (obsolete spelling of thank English)
Usage examples of "thanke".
Then the poore and simple miser Psyches was mooved with the feare of so dreadful words, and being amazed in her mind, did cleane forget the admonitions of her husband, and her owne promises made unto him, and throwing her selfe headlong into extreame misery, with a wanne and sallow countenance, scantly uttering a third word, at length gan say in this sort : O my most deare sisters, I heartily thanke you for your great kindnesse toward me, and I am now verily perswaded that they which have informed you hereof hath informed you of nothing but truth, for I never saw the shape of my husband, neither know I from whence he came, only I heare his voice in the night, insomuch that I have an uncertaine husband, and one that loveth not the light of the day : which causeth me to suspect that he is a beast, as you affirme.
And thou little Asse, that art the occasion of my safety and liberty, if thou canst once render me safe and sound to my parents, and to him that so greatly desireth to have me to his wife, thou shalt see what thankes I will give : with what honour I will reward thee, and how I will use thee.
Which when hee had read hee sayd, Verily, I thanke my friend Demeas much, in that hee hath sent mee so worthy a guest as you are.
Which when he had done he sayd, We thanke you gentle young man for your paines and verily for your diligence herein we will account you as one of the family.
Psyches being glad herewith, rendered unto him most entire thankes, and said, Sweet husband, I had rather die than to bee separated from you, for whosoever you bee, I love and retaine you within my heart, as if you were myne owne spirit or Cupid himselfe : but I pray you grant this likewise, that you would commaund your servant Zephyrus to bring my sisters downe into the valley as he brought mee.
The antique world, in his first flowring youth,Found no defect in his Creatours grace,But with glad thankes, and vnreproued truth,The gifts of soueraigne bountie did embrace:Like Angels life was then mens happy cace.
Whereof she now more glad, then sory earst,All ouercome with infinite affect,For his exceeding courtesie, that pearstHer stubborne hart with inward deepe effect,Before his feet her selfe she did proiect,And him adoring as her liues deare Lord,With all due thankes, and dutifull respect,Her selfe acknowledg'd bound for that accord,By which he had to her both life and loue restord.
Gode gyffe us alle grace, to yelde dew thankes to our Lorde Gode, Gode of Inglonde, for verely He hathe shoyd Hym selff Gode of Inglond, or rather an Inglyssh Gode, yf we consydyr and pondyr welle alle Hys procedynges with us from tyme to tyme.