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The Collaborative International Dictionary

thaneship \thane"ship\, n. The state or dignity of a thane; thanehood; also, the seignioralty of a thane.


n. 1 The state or dignity of a thane; thanehood. 2 The seignioralty of a thane.


n. the position of thane

Usage examples of "thaneship".

Twins were rare, and their birth to this strange outlander couple was considered an omen important enough to secure Sulla the thaneship of a whole group of small tribes.

Xaver MarCullet, son of Hagan and Daria, free and noble born to the thaneship of MarCullet, swear fealty and service to you, Tavis of Curgh, sole heir to the House of Curgh, its lands and privileges.

Shanstead may be just a thaneship, but word of the major houses does reach us.

He had assumed the thaneship in Shanstead and so had come to understand the workings of the Eandi courts and the demands placed by the Rules of Ascension upon all the major houses, but especially Thorald.

He had advanced to the thaneship of the Theiwar not by hereditary means, but along a wide path cut by murder, deceit, and dark magic.

He did so, and found it to be drawn up as a will, by which he bequeathed to his treacherous friend all his vast possessions, and the Thaneship of Dungivan.