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Teucrium Scordium

Water germander \Wa"ter ger*man"der\ (Bot.) A labiate plant ( Teucrium Scordium) found in marshy places in Europe.

Teucrium Scordium

Germander \Ger*man"der\, n. [OE. germaunder, F. germandr['e]e, It. calamandrea, L. chamaedrys, fr. Gr.?; ? on the earth or ground + ? tree. See Humble, and Tree.] (Bot.) A plant of the genus Teucrium (esp. Teucrium Cham[ae]drys or wall germander), mintlike herbs and low shrubs.

American germander, Teucrium Canadense.

Germander chickweed, Veronica agrestis.

Water germander, Teucrium Scordium.

Wood germander, Teucrium Scorodonia.

Usage examples of "teucrium scordium".

The Water Germander (Teucrium Scordium) is a creeping plant growing in marshy places in various parts of Europe, but very rare in Great Britain except in the Isle of Ely.