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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tertiate \Ter"ti*ate\, v. t. [L. tertiatus, p. p. of tertiare to do for the third time, fr. tertius the third.]

  1. To do or perform for the third time. [Obs. & R.]

  2. (Gun.) To examine, as the thickness of the metal at the muzzle of a gun; or, in general, to examine the thickness of, as ordnance, in order to ascertain its strength.


vb. 1 (l en reduce Reduce) by one (l en third); (non-gloss definition: especially), (l en kill) one third of (a (l en group) of (l en person people)). 2 (context rare obsolete English) To do or perform for the third time. 3 (context firearms English) To examine, as the thickness of the metal at the muzzle of a gun; or, in general, to examine the thickness of, as ordnance, in order to ascertain its strength.

Usage examples of "tertiate".

General Introduction to the Study of Decapilation Among the Tertiates of Gondwana as Contrasted with the Primates of Eurasia.