Teronoh (or Tronoh, Ternoh) is a small tin-mining town located some 30 km south of the Perak state capital Ipoh in Malaysia.
The tin-mining industry boom during the early 20th century saw Teronoh, a town believed to be old, grow from a small village into a major town. The mines in the area included Tronoh South Ltd., Tronoh Extended Ltd., Chung Thye Phin's Phin Tak Mine (also known as the Phin Tak Kongsi) and Chia Tek's Lee Yeoh Mine, all of which were acquired by Foo Choo Choon's Tronoh Mines Ltd. between 1912 and 1921.
A railway line linking the town and Ipoh was completed in 1909 and used to transport tin ore. The tracks were dismantled by the Japanese during World War II and were never rebuilt. Shortly after the war ended the tin industry deteriorated, and with it, the importance of the town.
The main road that used to cut through town linking Ipoh with the seaside town of Lumut has been replaced by a new highway bypassing the town. Today Teronoh is a sleepy little town although that may change giving that two universities ( Universiti Teknologi Petronas and Universiti Teknologi MARA) are in the vicinity.