n. (term paper English)
Usage examples of "term papers".
He was good at math, better at physics and chemistry, but he could also express himself adequately in either term papers or public speaking.
For a man of your intelligence, of your potential, to have fallen so low, to have ended up faking term papers for college kids—.
I was marking my first set of mid-term papers at my new university.
He looked up from a stack of term papers, genial but apparently puzzled.
They never cheat on tests anymore and they always compose their own term papers.
Students at the college did term papers on the singular liquid that ebbed and flowed through his body, competing to see who could be first to identify the next new microspecies.
One thing he had learned while writing term papers was that even if he didn't have all the information, he could create a mood.
Old school reports, old term papers, old fill-in-the-blank maps and quizzes.
Finally, our presence here in the University of Lycia's newly established Department of Classical Mythology, your stimulating requirement from us of term papers on The Story of Your Life Thus Far, et cetera, all suggest that we are, if not a literate society, at least a society to which reading and writing are not unknown.
Drs Eng and Royston, who taught the meat of the course, announced at the beginning of the session that the mid-term papers had been graded and were ready to be returned.