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Terhuchu is a two-player abstract strategy board game from India, and specifically from Assam and Angami. Another spelling for the game is Terhiichii. The game is similar to draughts and Alquerque as players hop over one another's pieces to capture them. However, unlike draughts and standard Alquerque, the game is played on an expanded Alquerque board consisting of eight triangular boards attached to the four sides and the four corners of an Alquerque board. Also, pieces can move and capture in any direction from the beginning. There is no promotion to King.

Terhuchu is related to Sixteen Soldiers, Peralikatuma, and Kotu Ellima which are also from the Indian subcontinent. The main difference is that in Terhuchu there are eight triangular boards attached to the Alquerque board, whereas in those other games, there are only four. Kotu Ellima is also related to the Indonesian game of Permainan-Tabal.