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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Terebinthine \Ter`e*bin"thine\, a. [L. terbinthinus, Gr. ?.] Of or pertaining to turpentine; consisting of turpentine, or partaking of its qualities.


a. Of or pertaining to turpentine.

Usage examples of "terebinthine".

These terebinthine stores were the property of the plantation lords of the lowlands of North Carolina, who correspond to the pinchbeck barons of the rice districts of South Carolina.

In common with other camphoraceous and strongly aromatic herbs, by reason of its volatile oil and its terebinthine properties, the Scandix, or Sweet Chervil, was entitled to make one of the choice spices used for composing the holy oil with which the sacred vessels of the Tabernacle were anointed by Moses.