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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tendinous \Ten"di*nous\, a. [Cf. F. tendineux.]

  1. Pertaining to a tendon; of the nature of tendon.

  2. Full of tendons; sinewy; as, nervous and tendinous parts of the body.


a. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a tendon or sinew


adj. consisting of tendons or resembling a tendon [syn: sinewy]


Usage examples of "tendinous".

Sabre-cut across the quadriceps femoris of right leg, dividing the tendinous and muscular structures.

But as if this vast local power in the tendinous tail were not enough, the whole bulk of the leviathan is knit over with a warp and woof of muscular fibres and filaments, which passing on either side the loins and running down into the flukes, insensibly blend with them, and largely contribute to their might.