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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ As young men, they managed to avoid falling out over the tendentious terms of their father's will.
▪ He tacks on tendentious continuations to things Raskolnikov has said.
▪ It is a tendentious point, since the convention is that treaties are always signed by the executive.
▪ Other collections have been more conspicuously tendentious than this.
▪ Perhaps this inference, given its grounding in pupil, not teacher data, is a tendentious one.
▪ Still more tendentious is the Tory claim as it relates to a potential Labour Government.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"having a definite purpose," 1871, formed after or from German tendenziös, from Tendenz "tendency," from Medieval Latin tendentia (see tendency).


a. 1 Having a tendency; written or spoken with a partisan, biased or prejudiced purpose, especially a controversial one. 2 implicit or explicitly slanted.


adj. having or marked by a strong tendency especially a controversial one; "a tendentious account of recent elections"; "distinguishing between verifiable fact and tendentious assertion" [syn: tendencious]

Usage examples of "tendentious".

As the second version of his tendentious anecdote shows, he goes on to proclaim that Islam is an irrational herd or mass phenomenon, ruling Muslims by passions, instincts, and unreflecting hatreds.

The claim that its findings are in general arbitrary and biased is not merely tendentious, but specious.

Secret passages are always a tendentious topic, but I think one might be regarded as permissible in a house such as this.

Nourished by these bronto-texts, Abbott develops a primitive canvas of the outside world, entirely notional, tendentious and self-reflecting.

Eloquent, articulate, pretentious and tendentious, verbose and possibly erroneous, but most of all, immensely grateful for what I am.

There were several chair-bound Departmental officials not so far away from here who would be pleased to have someone like Rolf Mauser to amplify their long, tedious and tendentious reports about the DDR: writing which bore little resemblance to the reality.

According to them, even the data which had been pretty generally regarded as objective, rest chiefly upon tendentious fiction.

Funny, the man actually had a voice and style that bespoke command, but the ideas that came out were tendentious commonplaces.

He complains about their attacking him with arguments, parables, and tendentious questions.

For these reasons at least, the Vatican had no choice but to keep any tendentious scrolls hidden for as long as possible.

Nor does Phillips indulge in excessive feminist polemics or tendentious slanting of events.

These tendentious disquisitions, however philosophically interesting, are unnecessary to the disposition of the case of Rennell Price.

They brought their espousements to Cath, and stimulated a tendentious vogue: the Society of Yearning Refluxives, or the 'cult.

Willie was a tendentious explainer, who regarded Johnny Hay as a somewhat dull-witted playmate.