The Collaborative International Dictionary
Tenantless \Ten"ant*less\, a.
Having no tenants; unoccupied; as, a tenantless mansion.
a. Lacking a tenant; unoccupied.
Usage examples of "tenantless".
Through the wide bow-windows that gave on to the verandah came an uncertain glimmer that even shone reflected in the polished surface of the dinner-table, and again I perceived the stiff outline of chairs, waiting tenantless all round it, two larger ones with high carved backs at either end.
The wind nearly put the lamp out, but a minute later we were safe inside the passage that led up flights of creaky wooden stairs towards the world of tenantless attics overhead.
Satin shuffling empty wine-glasses, looking as if tonight, in some tenantless street, he would murder.
In the mild bright afternoon it had seemed an innocent place, silent, tenantless, gently decadent.
They heard somewhere in that tenantless night a bell that tolled and ceased where no bell was and they rode out on the round dais of the earth which alone was dark and no light to it and which carried their figures and bore them up into the swarming stars so that they rode not under but among them and they rode at once jaunty and circumspect, like thieves newly loosed in that dark electric, like young thieves in a glowing orchard, loosely jacketed against the cold and ten thousand worlds for the choosing.
He crossed on through the high country and in the evening descended the north slope and rode out onto the foreplain where the creosote deep olive from the rains stood in solemn colonies as it had stood a thousand years and more in that tenantless waste, older than any living thing that was.
Yet, peaceful as we were, it might have puzzled a stranger to see that all of us were armed--armed in this tenantless, lonely wilderness!
Re-embarking in his canoes, they paddled noiselessly past tenantless villages into the Mississippi.
The bit of high ground where the hut stood is now surrounded by great looming sheds and factories, which were entirely tenantless when I found my way through a long unlighted and unpaved street in the direction of the river.
Perhaps the island was tenantless, after all: the plunderers had evacuated in the face of the storm, scattered, like the moneylenders from the temple.
The extreme remoteness of the place was apparent from the veritable sea of tenantless: mountains which formed the background and stretched away toward a.
After that we cast off all allegiance to immediate, tangible, and time-touched things, and entered a fantastic world of hushed unreality in which the narrow, ribbon-like road rose and fell and curved with an almost sentient and purposeful caprice amidst the tenantless green peaks and half-deserted valleys.
God had passed by, and God had seen that tenantless garment of flesh she had cast off to swim in the ether, and God had known her whole scheme in one flash of His all-seeing eye.